Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета
Title Hits Visitors Downloads
On nonlinear dynamics of biological systems in the presence of microgravity 329 509 195
Open complex dynamics in cell mechanobiology and the problem of cancer 254 447 197
Differentiation of breast normal and cancer cells by laser interference microscopy 649 865 227
Gapped momentum states and piezo-nuclear effects in strongly coupled mesoscopic systems 146 301 161
The formation of elastoplastic fronts and spall fracture in AMg6 alloy under shock-wave loading 667 665 4
Modeling static thermography of cancer breast by using nondimensional steady-state Pennes equation 446 663 235
Gapped momentum states and piezo-nuclear effects in strongly coupled mesoscopic systems 178 328 175
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Naimark, O. B.

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Naimark, O. B.

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